December Energy Committee Meeting

Past event
Dec 3, 2018, 7 to 8:30 PM

The monthly meeting of the Marshfield Energy Committee will be this coming Monday at 7:00pm. We meet in the upstairs of the Old Schoolhouse Common. Our tentative agenda is below.

Select a facilitator
Public comment
Agenda modification
Approval of previous minutes
- Act 174 update
-- Handing out hard copies for review.
-Update on planned activities (winter bazaar, etc) (if needed)
-VECAN conference
--How was the conference
-Discussion about the Marshfield Dam.
--Update from dam meeting
-Climate change discussion follow up meetings (if needed).
-Twinfield solar and weatherization update (if needed).
-Discussion about grants or money for charging station grant application.
--Discussion about next steps, and what needs to get done. Try to resolve the payment issue.
-Update on book/video purchases (if needed)
-Plainfield update
-Discussion about weatherization, and possible purchase of IR camera. (if needed)
-Draft agenda for next meeting.

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