MRV Anti-Racist Initiative & Migrant Justice Meeting

Past event
Dec 2, 2018, 6:30 to 8 PM

This Sunday, December 2nd, 6:30 pm at the Waitsfield Elementary School there will be a meeting of interested community members, the MRV Anti-Racist Initiative group, and Migrant Justice to learn about and discuss the Fair and Impartial Policing Policy (FIPP) in Vermont. The policy, which was passed in 2017 mandated that all law enforcement agencies in Vermont adopt "Fair and Impartial Policing" policies designed to limit discriminatory policing and collusion between the police and ICE. However, FIPP is not being enforced and it is STILL commonplace that traffic stops result in a call to Border Patrol. Come this Sunday to learn how we can hold our local law enforcement agencies accountable to adopting the current FIPP and training officers on all aspects of this anti-bias policy!!!

For more details email me at

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