Chanukah and Inner Fire District!

Past event
Dec 1, 2018, 5 PM

Chanukah! Saturday night, December 1st, at 7 pm. at the 'little red synagogue' in the heart of the ONE. 5 pm for kids and families; We'll have the supplies to make all kinds of holiday stuff, and then share a veggie pot luck dinner at 6 pm. At 7 pm, we bring out light together in this darkest time of the year, welcoming the darkness and inviting the sunlight to return, with music by Inner Fire District, who perform a compelling amalgam of Eastern-European folk, intricate originals, and songs of revolution. It was founded in Burlington in 2006, and its core sound features accordion, clarinet, drums, bass and guitar. Dancing! Merriment! Extra parking at the Law Line lot, 274 N. Winooski. more info?

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