Upcoming Anima and Fyre & Lightning Concerts

Past event
Dec 1, 2018, 7 to 8:30 PM

Dear Friends,

We'd like to let you know that Anima and Fyre & Lightning Consort will join up to present a concert, "Splendid Star!" a concert of Medieval and Renaissance music for early winter, on Friday, November 30, 7:00 pm, at the United Church of Cabot; Saturday, December 1, 2018, 7:00 pm, at Christ Church, Montpelier; and Sunday, December 2, 5:00 pm, at the Green Mountain Monastery in Greesnboro. The concert opens the season of Advent, when we look from the darkness toward the light, and honor the splendid stars that guide us on the journey.

Fyre and Lightning Consort weaves a rich tapestry of sound with their varied early instruments, including harp, vielle, lute, and recorders. They will perform music from the Llibre Vermell de Montserrat (͞Red Book of Montserrat͟), a 14th century collection of devotional songs from Catalonia (Spain), as well as selections from the 13th century Galician (Spain) Cantigas de Santa Maria and other 13th and 14th century songs and dances.
Anima is known for its fine performances of the dramatic chants of the medieval mystic, Hildegard von Bingen and also its interpretations of medieval and renaissance polyphony. In addition to Hildegard, they will perform works from the Las Huelgas codex, a Spanish collection of songs from ca. 1300; music from 14th century England, 14th century Bohemia, and songs of the early Renaissance English composers Leonel Power and John Dunstable.

Anima, with both sadness and gratitude, will be retiring after this concert series. We hope to welcome you one more time to share a contemplative and uplifting time!

For information visit animavermont.org and fyreandlightning.org or email

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