Talk About Our Democracy - Community Meeting

Past event
Nov 26, 2018, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

Marlboro Community Meeting--Talk About Our Democracy
Monday, November 26, 6:30-8:30 pm, at the new Marlboro Community Center,
Marlboro Meetinghouse, Marlboro, Vt.
The last Monday of every month has been reserved for these meetings

THE PURPOSE: Some people say that what is wrong with the world today is that we we don't talk to each other and share our experience.*  The purpose of these meetings is for us to be able to talk about democracy and politics in public with people we don't agree with.

This is a big challenge. Can we learn how to do it if we practice? Let's give it a try. Invite someone you disagree with to the meeting, and hear about their experience.

THE METHOD: We will divide into small groups at tables around the room. Each table will have a talking point on a card, Each group will discuss the talking point within the framework of the meeting guidelines.

MEETING GUIDELINES: Good manners and respect. All voices are welcome. Tell other people your experience ("this is what happened to me" or "this is what happens to me"). Listen so you understand the person who is speaking (ask questions). Everyone gets a turn to speak. No one has to talk. No one takes over the conversation. No one criticizes or judges. It is okay to have different experiences and ideas but it is not okay to lecture other people. What we want to do is to listen and understand.

Woody Bernhard will act as moderator.

TALKING POINTS: Culture, Politics, Religion, Anger, Resentment, Stage Fright, Feeling Exploited, Money, Disabiiity, Geography, Party Loyalty, Race, My Background and Upbringing, Privilege, Education, Community, Economics/money, Social standing, Media, Prejudice, History.

At the end of the meeting we will talk about what we thought of the meeting: Each group will report on their experience. The whole group will consider possible action. Future meetings. Future topics. These meetings aren't exciting or glamorous. They are just people talking about democracy. But, talking about democracy is good for democracy. Let's talk on Monday the 26th. It's good for all of us.

Please volunteer: to play acoustic music to open and close the meeting, to help with refreshments (coffee tea juice cookies etc, and with set up/clean up. There's not much to it. RSVP

positive nonviolent public action for democracy and equal civil rights for all people
Contact: Woody 802 464 3154

* Hannah Arendt, Jurgen Habermas

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