The Betasab Project: the Global Family Initiative

Past event
Nov 29, 2018, 7 to 8:30 PM

For most of us, it is unthinkable to imagine growing up without a family, but that is the sad reality for many children. To learn more about a program addressing this problem, we invite you to attend:

THE BETASAB PROJECT: The Global Family Initiative Helping Orphans and Women in Ethiopia
Thursday, November 29, 7:00-8:30 pm
Lawrence Memorial Library in Bristol
Presenter: Claudia Cooper, co-founder of the Global Family Initiative

By providing permanent family homes, the Betasab Project works to halt the cycle of poverty by empowering vulnerable Ethiopian women and children with resources, educational opportunities, stability and love. Claudia Cooper will share her insights into their holistic community-building approach.

This event is sponsored by One World Library Project and supported by the Vermont Humanities Council. It is free and handicapped accessible. For more information, see the One World Library Project Facebook page or:

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