VECAN Conference at the Lake Morey Inn, Fairlee.
Do you want to help mobilize Vermont to make bold progress on climate? Join us at the 11th annual Community Energy and Climate Action Conference Panels. Networking, and discussions will focus on empowering Vermonters to take the lead on climate and clean energy issues.
Workshops will explore a wide range of topics, from The Path to a Green Transportation System, Making Solar Accessible to Vermonters with Low Incomes, Using Digital Tools to Reach the Public and Advance Energy Goals, and many more. We will have two keynote speakers, including Bill McKibben and Michael Shank. Bill McKibben is a world-renowned author, environmental activist, and founder of, the first planet-wide, grassroots climate change movement. Michael Shank, Ph.D., is the Communications Director for the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance and the Urban Sustainability Directors Network. Register online. vecan-community-energy-and-climate-action-conference
Carpooling/RideShare is available. Please call Bob 479 4326 or Rich 454-7702
Sat Dec 1, 2018 8 am – 4 pm Eastern Time - New York