Blues (and Fusion) Dance!

Past event
Nov 16, 2018, 7:15 to 11 PM

Ready for some warmth and solace away from the cold, cruel world? There's nothing better than a steamy dance to warm your heart.

Beginner-friendly Blues dance lesson 7:15-8pm and
Social dance 8pm til we fall over.

No partner or experience needed, all welcome, safe space. Please bring clean indoor shoes. Donations contribute toward snacks and a future live band.
This is a house dance, but there's plenty of street parking, just be good to the neighbors.
Happy to take song requests!

See you on the dance floor!

[Blues dance is a family of dances that developed alongside Blues music in Black communities across America from the late 19th to early 20th century, and has seen a recent reemergence. The aesthetic is earthy, casual and dynamic, and offers great opportunity for exploration of emotion and wordless communication and play with partners. The style is fundamentally simple to learn, but offers endless layers for development and creativity].

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