The popular father-daughter musical duo Bob & Sarah Amos presents a program of their favorite songs in an intimate style, with mesmerizing vocals accompanied by Bob's formidable guitar talents. Bob Amos has written and recorded over 100 songs on 12 CDs over the past 30 years. His songs reflect a variety of influences and styles including folk, bluegrass, blues, Celtic, pop and rock-a-billy. Vocalist Sarah Amos has been singing professionally for the past 10 years, and currently performs with her father in the bluegrass band, Bob Amos & Catamount Crossing. This duo format allows Bob and Sarah to step outside of their regular bluegrass setting, with a wider selection of songs from Bob's diverse musical catalog, plus a few of their favorite traditional and more modern covers.
Coffee & light refreshments available. Donations are appreciated
The Burke Mountain Club is located at 368 Vermont Route 114 in the center of East Burke.