Dancing With the Cannibal Giant: Five New Stories for the Great Transition is a documentary film portraying five remarkable stories of people and places who are helping transform the world in their own way, putting them on a path of radical shifting. Come see the film and join the discussion at the Commons @ BALE, 35 S. Windsor Street in South Royalton on Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 7 PM. Dancing with Cannibal Giant was designed to inspire hope, creativity, and change in the face of the Cannibal Giant, a creature in the native American mythology of the Penobscot nation who has been awoken by the failure and abuses of our species and will, if not confronted with great societal change, dance us to our extinction. We are in a time of great transition, and in order to move beyond disempowerment, we need to create and share our new stories of resilience and hope in our communities. This program is free (donations welcome) and sponsored by BALE (Building A Local Economy. For more info: www.dancingwiththecannibalgiant.com.