Holiday Food and Toy Drive Support

Past event
Nov 20, 2018

East Montpelier Fire Department will be sponsoring our annual food and toy drive for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. This year we are again working with our schools to provide support to families in our local communities during the holiday season. We are also pleased to announce that as the Charter sponsor for the Local Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts we are pleased to have them assisting us.

We will be distributing the Thanksgiving baskets on November 20th and will be accepting donations for Christmas until December 23rd.

Please be generous with your giving of non perishable food products, potatoes, squash, apples etc. We also will accept financial donations, unwrapped toys and gift cards. Fresh baked goods may be dropped off to the fire station on the 20th.

All items may be dropped off to the fire station at 54 Village Acres or the Town Office. If you need items picked up please call the firehouse.

Thank you in advance for your generous support it is much appreciated. If you would like to be involved as a volunteer please call the firehouse at 225-6247.

Chief Ty Rolland

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