A draft of the updated planBTV: Comprehensive Plan is now available for you to review! Here are the details about how you can review and provide feedback on the plan.
1. The draft plan is online at www.burlingtonvt.gov/planbtv
This website includes the plan in two formats: as a website for online browsing, and as a PDF that can be downloaded to read off-line. You can also view the draft plan in hard copy at several sites around the city, including at the Planning & Zoning Office. Check the website for more locations.
2. Share your feedback on the draft plan
You can leave your feedback online at www.burlingtonvt.gov/planbtv and by joining the Planning Commission for a presentation and public hearing on December 5. If you can't make it in December, join a Planning Commission meeting on Nov 13 or Nov 27, at an upcoming NPA meeting or other event, or send in your feedback for consideration.
3. Join the Planning Commission for a presentation and public hearing on December 5
The Planning Commission invites you to a presentation of the updated plan and a public hearing on December 5, 6:30pm @ Contois Auditorium, City Hall (149 Church Street). If you can't attend, share your comments before the hearing using one of the options above.
Over the last year, the Planning Commission has been working on the 2019 update to this plan, which is our long range plan for land use and development across the City. This plan covers topics like housing, transportation, economic development, community facilities, and energy—issues that are important to think about and plan for city-wide.
Following the Planning Commission presentation on December 5, the plan will be referred to City Council. Stay tuned for more opportunities in the new year to hear about and provide input on the draft plan.
Please contact mtuttle@burlingtonvt.gov with any questions.
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