Community Discussion About Education Funding

Past event
Nov 15, 2018, 7 to 9 PM

During the recent BHS bond vote and during the school budget vote on Town Meeting Day, Front Porch Forum readers have had questions about, and sometimes misunderstanding of, the way we fund education in Vermont. A grass-roots community group has organized an event to promote some education and discussion on this topic. Education funding is one of the most important public policy subjects in Vermont right now and one of the least understood, so I am excited about this event and encourage you to attend. Here is the original announcement:

A "Community Discussion: Basics of Vermont's Education Funding" will take place at the Miller Center on Gosse Ct. on Thursday, November 15th 7:00PM to 9:00PM

The agenda will feature a short video created by the Vermont School Boards Association and specific subject matter presentations by our invited speakers and then wrap up with an open dialogue between the presenters and the rest of the attendees.

Ms. Emily Byrne (Agency of Education)
Mr. Doug Farnham (Tax Dept.)
Senator Tim Ashe
Representative Kurt Wright
Senator Phil Baruth

It is important to highlight that this event represents grassroots community engagement. It is not sponsored by the school district or the school board. This project intends to provide voters and taxpayers with a factual foundation on the mechanics of Vermont's education funding system and is the result of neighborhood meetings held during the Spring of 2018 in an effort to foster communication with our school board members. It is the lack of understanding and confusion about education funding that emerged from those conversations that is the driving force behind this effort.

Please feel free to distribute to friends and neighbors who may also be interested.

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