National Take a Hike Day Guided Walk

Past event
Nov 17, 2018, 10 to 11 AM

Celebrate National Take a HIke Day with a family-friendly guided walk on the Ninja Trail with RiseVT, Alliance for Community Transformation (ACT) and the Benningtion County Regional Commission (BCRC). We will meet in the corner of the Walmart parking lot (near where the RV's park overnight) for this easy out and back walk on the paved path, turning around where the path intersects with Harmon Road. Hot chocolate and light refreshments provided at the end. Meet and chat with representatives from RiseVT, ACT and BCRC to discuss how their groups work within our community as well as hear about future plans for the Ninja Trail. Questions can be directed to RiseVT - Bennington County Program Manager, Andrea Malinowski, at

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