Board Game Night at Johnson Public Library

Past event
Nov 7, 2018, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

--- NOTE DATE CHANGE: Moving to Wednesday for November to accommodate election day, go vote!! ---

Come join us on Wednesday, November 7th at 6:30pm at the Johnson Public Library for Board Game Night! All ages are welcome as we play fun and interesting board games and enjoy a little company. Bring your own or play a provided game. This month's board game offerings include:

**** PARFUM **** The nose knows... distill essential fragrances to create complex perfumes to compete over stylish (and rich) customers to be the most successful Perfumer in all of France!

**** TICKET TO RIDE + RAILS AND SAILS **** A board game night favorite! Easy to learn, relaxing, and fun to play, Ticket to Ride has you working to build railways across Europe to connect cities both near and far, or, for a more advanced Ticket to Ride, try Rails & Sails, which combines both trains and ferry travel across the Great Lakes region.

**** ILLUMINATI **** One of the earliest of the Steve Jackson Games, this fun and weird game has you taking control of a shadow organization with a unique plan for world domination. Compete with the other secret societies to build a stringboard and extend your power through the takeover of any number of groups--from 24-hour convenience stores to Political Parties to Orbital Mind Control Lasers!

**** POWERGRID **** Another boardgame night favorite, build, connect, and upgrade power stations to create the most powerful (and efficient) grid in Germany.

**** FORBIDDEN DESERT **** Things look bleak for your team when your airship comes apart over the forbidden desert in the middle of a sandstorm! With the sand threatening to bury the parts you need to escape and water resources limited, will you be able to re-assemble the airship in time to escape? This cooperative game is great for all ages.

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