Planning Commission Meeting Nov. 6

Past event
Nov 6, 2018, 7 to 9 PM

The Jericho Planning Commission meets next on Tuesday November 6th from 7:00 - 9:00 pm at the Town Hall. All are welcome to attend.

The Planning Commission will discuss the following items:

1) Each Planning Commission member is a liaison to a different Town committee. We will spend some time updating one another on any new information from the other committees.

2) The Planning Commission has an opportunity to work with a UVM class during the spring semester: the "Applied Learning Student Partnership" class. The PC will talk about what a project could be for the class.

3) Members of the PC have recently attended some conferences. They will discuss what they learned and how that could apply to the work of the PC.

4) The PC will discuss implementing a new tax stabilization program. At the request of the Selectboard has asked the PC and the CC to consider what land would be worth preserving in a revamped local tax stabilization program.

Questions or comments may be directed to the Town Planner at

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