Remember to change your clocks this weekend - "Fall Back"!
"Walking It, Talking It: Universalism & the Practice of Nondefensive Communication" with Hilary Mullins is the service at the Springfield UU on November 4. We are, as the UU hymn goes, a gentle and angry people, but sometimes it's the angry that gets the upper hand--as well as a little reactive defensiveness and urge to control too! Join Hilary Mullins as she talks about "Taking the War Out of Our Words," describing a method of nondefensive communication that is not only practically useful but dovetails with our great Universalist heritage as well.
Hilary Mullins has studied at Starr King, the UU seminary in Berkeley, and is a graduate of the Vermont Academy of Spiritual Training, a lay-training program of the Congregationalist Church. She is also an alum of The Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction. A writer, teacher, and part-time preacher, she lives in Bethel..
Our "Share The Plate" offering on November 4 goes to Turning Points Network in Claremont. Turning Points Network is a private, non-profit agency offering crisis and support services to female and male survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence and stalking. All direct services are free and confidential. TPN works with survivors, their friends and loved ones, service providers and concerned community members
Mar 5, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
Sons of Town Hall and Alice Howe & FreeboMar 7, 2025, 7:30 PM
Book Discussion of Gaia's GardenMar 10, 2025, 1 to 2 PM