HP Lighting Ceremony/Frosty the Snowman

Past event
Dec 7, 2018, 6:30 to 8 PM

HELLO! Your Hyde Park Community Circle presents the 2018 Hyde Park Lighting Ceremony to be held on December 7, 2018, from 7:00pm till around 8:00pm. You're invited to share in this ceremony and to purchase lights in memory, in honor, or celebration of people or events affecting our lives. I've included an order form at the bottom of this page for you to fill out and mail by Nov. 30th or sooner. The address is on the form.
Lights are placed on two large locally-made wreaths, and lit one by one as the names or events are solemnly read aloud. Location is at the St. Teresa's Parish Hall, 92 West Main St in Hyde Park. Purchase isn't necessary to be present at this heartwarming service, all are welcome. The wreaths are hung in Hyde Park and N. Hyde Park throughout the holiday season.

Meanwhile, starting at 6:30pm, the Lanpher Memorial Library will host younger children and parents with activities including a sing-along, and crafts to make and take home. FROSTY the SNOWMAN will be there to read Wintry stories, helping to keep cold. We don't want Frosty to melt! This is sure to be fun and will help kick off the Winter season.

After the Lighting Ceremony, around 7:30pm, a Lamoille Transportation bus will be ready to take all those at the Library to join in the festivities at the Parish Hall. There will be hot cocoa and homemade cookies for everyone to enjoy. Around 8:00pm we'll ring the bell, and the bus will be loading to go back to the Library where you're parked.

** We always welcome volunteers for all parts of this event. It's great to have folks in the community baking cookies to donate or the many other positions for the events. We need volunteers to be readers, lighters, greeters, cookie and cocoa elves, MC, guest book keepers, children's activity and craft helpers. Contact Teresa at 888-1289 or BlessedinVT@gmail.com if you'd like to help, we have a signup sheet ready. I can answer any questions or give you details of the positions available, and timing for the day of the events.

"Like" us on Facebook at The Hyde Park Community Circle—lots of pictures there of all of our four events, go see if you know someone or see yourself there!
*Please send your light orders as soon as you can so we have enough lights ready for the wreaths.

Our sincere THANK YOU! To all who will be participating one way or the other,
Your Hyde Park Community Circle Volunteers

Hyde Park Lighting Ceremony on Dec. 7, 2018 Commemorative Light Order form @ $5 per light:
Your name/given by: ________________________________________________
Name(s) of people or event for your lights: Circle choice for your lights:
1.____________________________________________ IN MEMORY IN HONOR TO CELEBRATE
2.____________________________________________ IN MEMORY IN HONOR TO CELEBRATE
3.____________________________________________ IN MEMORY IN HONOR TO CELEBRATE
4.____________________________________________ IN MEMORY IN HONOR TO CELEBRATE
5.____________________________________________ IN MEMORY IN HONOR TO CELEBRATE
Make checks payable to Hyde Park Community Circle and mail your light order to Deb Henderson, 128 Whiteface Dr., Hyde Park VT 05655 by Friday November 30, 2018 or sooner.
All proceeds used to support annual events for our community—Thank you for your support!

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