Feldenkrais Class

Past event
Nov 3, 2018, 1 to 2 PM

The Feldenkrais Method® is a gentle yet radical way to reconnect with your full self. Are you experiencing limitations from injury or chronic pain? Seeking to improve your overall wellbeing and self awareness? Interested in experience greater ease or expression in your daily life or performance?

"These classes are made to help you to turn the impossible into the feasible, the difficult into the easy: beautiful to see and lovely to do."
– Moshe Feldenkrais

This one-off class will consist of guided movement, awareness, and reflection. All are welcome. It's suitable for those who are new to the method or those with prior experience.

$10 suggested donation

Location: Unitarian Church of Montpelier (130 Main Street)

Please RSVP: Eve - keboltax@gmail.com. Bring a yoga mat if you can and wear comfortable clothes that you can move in.

Eve Boltax is an authorized Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® teacher trainee and a student in the Boston Feldenkrais Training Program. She was introduced to Feldenkrais while in graduate school at the Longy School of Music of Bard College. She lives in Jamaica Plain and is a professional violist and Suzuki violin teacher.

Who is Feldenkrais?

Moshe Feldenkrais (1904 - 1984) was an esteemed physicist and engineer as well as a respected Judo teacher. Living in England in the 1940's, Feldenkrais found himself unable to walk after suffering a serious injury. He began an intense exploration into the relationship between bodily movement, and healing, feeling, thinking, and learning. As a result, he restored his ability to walk and made revolutionary discoveries, culminating in the development of the method that now bears his name.

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