Since late August, 35 cast members and three cute canines have been in rehearsal for Annie the Musical which kicks off Lyric Theatre Company's 45th season. This is the third time Lyric has presented the show, with past productions in 1988 and 1998. Lyric is excited to introduce the story of America's favorite orphan, and her dog Sandy, to a new generation of theater-goers. Leading the team for Lyric's Annie are Co-Production Supervisors Julianne Nickerson and Lesley Graham; Artistic Director Sara McDonald; Music Director Craig Hilliard; Choreographer Kim Nowlan Hathaway; and Stage Manager Sean Leach. Hinesburg 5th grader Stephanie Miskavage plays the spunky redhead.
Annie is more than a show about an orphan looking for her parents. It embodies the longing we all have to be part of a family, albeit dirt poor or filthy rich. This show is about Annie's and Daddy Warbucks' journey to find what family really means, and it is the story Lyric will bring to life on the Flynn stage with help from our dynamic cast and more than 200 behind-the-scenes volunteers.
Annie is more than a show about an orphan looking for her parents. It embodies the longing we all have to be part of a family, albeit dirt poor or filthy rich. This show is about Annie's and Daddy Warbucks' journey to find what family really means, and it is the story Lyric will bring to life on the Flynn stage with help from our dynamic cast and more than 200 behind-the-scenes volunteers.
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Mar 11, 2025, 10:30 AM to 12 PM
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