Our Community Cares Camp Annual Meeting

Past event
Oct 29, 2018, 7 to 9 PM

The public is invited to the OCCC annual Board of Directors meeting at CHMS on Monday evening. This is a time to look both back at the last 10 year and to look forward to the next 10 years. Feedback from the public, including families, staff and partners is appreciated so we can incorporate it into the planning for upcoming years. The purpose of this meeting is to review the past camp season and set goals for the upcoming year. To establish the meeting calendar and to elect board members and officers.

1. Introductions/Roll Call – 5 min

2. Public comment – 10 min

3. ED Report (Marie) – 15 min

a. Review of Vision, Mission, and Core Values

b. Synopsis of past year and high level plan for next

4. Financial Report (Marie) – 15 min

a. Future impact of $15 minimum wage

5. Program descriptions (Marie) – 15 min

a. Opportunities for changes in program intake: screening applicants, sliding scale for payment

b. Plan for needs assessment: what are the obstacles for families of kids who don't enroll

c. Plan for organizational updates: positions and command structure

6. Board Members – 15 min

a. Welcome new Board Members

b. Packet of information about OCCC (Alicia)

c. Questions, ideas, suggestions

7. Officers – 10 minutes

8. Policy – 5 minutes

a. Conflict of Interest: copies for review and signature

9. Schedule of Boarding Meetings for 2018-19 (Board Chair) – 10 minutes

a. Plan for work on Board transitional goals

10. Plan and prepare agenda for next meeting (Board Chair) – 5 minutes

11. New business - 10 minutes

12. Adjournment – 5 minutes

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