Open Ears at Bagitos / Scooters

Past event
Oct 25, 2018, 8:30 to 9:30 AM

Join me Thursday 8:30-9:30 AM, at Bagitos, to talk and listen about Montpelier, or whatever else you'd like. I'm holding this weekly gathering to keep in touch with residents as I work to represent District 3 on City Council.

While I'm writing, a few words about the scooters. I should note that these are just my opinions, and don't represent City Council as a whole, or the city administration.

First, thanks very much to all those who've taken the time already to consider and share their thoughts. It helps me-- and others, I think-- when people speak up to offer viewpoints. I particularly want to thank my neighbor Mary Messier-- it was good to see you at the meeting, Mary!

This pilot project, to me, is a good, brief (60-day or less) chance to see how these things might (or might not) help Montpelier. If some people some of the time use a scooter to get from the State House to Bohemian Bakery-- or from Another Way to their dentist's office across town-- then that's a few less cars on the road, or a bit of time saved for the car-free people like me, and maybe worthwhile. If on the other hand the scooters sit around unused and get in the way, then maybe they're not worthwhile, and we'll know not to bother with them.

I'm car-free myself. I don't think I'll use the Bird scooters much, because I like walking and don't like phone apps. But as someone who walks across Montpelier in all directions regularly, I can tell you that it takes me 20 minutes to walk from VSECU to the Co-op if I don't meet someone along the way. An electric scooter would cut that down to 3 minutes (I'm guessing).

And on safety: yes, I'm worried about how people on scooters will interact with people on foot, on bikes and in cars. But people over 18 with driver's licenses riding scooters that go 15 mph and weigh 30 pounds worry me way less than 16-year-olds (or anyone!) driving cars that weigh 3,000 pounds and and go 100 mph. What I mean is, the reason streets are dangerous is cars. Fewer cars make streets safer. As a councilor, I'm looking for ways to decrease car use in Montpelier. Scooters are one small solution among many; they may not work out for us, but it seems to me worth trying.

On discrimination: Yes, you need a smartphone, a credit card and a driver's license. I want everyone to be as mobile as they need to be, and Bird scooters are not a solution for everyone. But again, my focus-- the reason I voted yes-- is that they may get some people in cars out of their cars, and they may get some people on foot across town in less time. I'm looking for other solutions too.

Happy to keep talking about it. I know we haven't exhausted this topic! See you at the council meeting or around town.

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