- building props and technical devices
- interesting costumes
- live theater
- creative problem-solving
- outside the box thinking
- brain-storming
- team-work
- some hard work,
The Odyssey of the Mind (OM) program focuses on students learning how to solve open-ended problems using each child's creative talents and skills.
Teams of 5-7 students are challenged to solve a Long-Term Problem over a period of several months, and then present their creative and unique solution in the form of a skit at the annual Vermont State OM Tournament (Saturday, March 16th, 2019 at CVU). By participating, students not only have a FUNtastic time, but learn a variety of valuable life-long skills: thinking outside the box, creative problem-solving, working collaboratively..and so much more!
To get the season started...
Students & Parents from the area (all schools K-12!!) are invited to
Wednesday, October 24th - 6:00-7:00 pm
Camels Hump Middle School
Invite a friend or 2 or 10 and c*OM*e find out how to have s*OM*e creative fun!
If you have questions or are unable to attend the meeting, please contact Denise Noble (434-8440; text 318-2211; or
OM Problems range in focus to appeal to a variety of students. A synopsis of this year's Long-Term problems follows:
Problem 1: OMER to the Rescue Again
Who better to help those in distress than OMER? In this problem, OMER and his trusty Sidekick travel to different places with suitcases holding all of the parts of an OMER-mobile vehicle! OMER and his Sidekick will assemble and ride on the vehicle where it will function in different ways to "save the day." Between attempts, the vehicle will be disassembled, put back into the suitcases, and taken to a different area where it will be reassembled and driven again. Finally, the OMER-mobile is thrown a hero's parade as a show of appreciation!
Problem 2: Hide In Plain Sight
Teams take a cue from nature in this problem where they create and build a team-made mechanical creature that hides in plain sight. The creature will change its appearance three times to avoid being detected by a Searcher Character trying to find it. The way the creature changes will be different each time! The team will create and present a performance where its creature gets into - or out of - various situations using this resourceful skill. In the end the creature will surprise everyone by changing its appearance a final time and reveal its true self.
Problem 3: Classics. Leonardo's Workshop
Imagine how inspiring Leonardo DaVinci's (LDV) workshop must have been.
Teams will portray his workplace in an original, creative performance that includes LDV, a patron, and a naysayer. The team will recreate a DaVinci painting, make a three-dimensional representation of one of his works, and recreate another LDV work in any form the team wishes. There will also be an original "debunked" creation that LDV "invented" but discarded because it was mocked. Ironically, the item will be shown as something commonly used in modern times.
Problem 4: Structure Toss
Step right up and put your structure to the test! Teams must strategize risk for points and "toss" their structures in this year's problem-turned-carnival. They will use a device to propel the structure in a carnival game. If it travels in the air it gets higher score! Once the structure has been successfully tossed, it can be tested for strength. A carnival barker character will entice other characters to join the fun during a performance that incorporates testing the structure's strength with creative games of skill and chance.
Problem 5: Opposites Distract
Disagreements can distract groups from seeing the bigger picture. Teams will create and present a humorous performance about a sneaky character that distracts others while trying to take control of anything the team wishes.
In the performance it will lure others into silly arguments and be successful two times. The arguments will be presented using different dramatic styles and will include attention-getting effects. In the end, the groups will learn that they have been intentionally distracted and will catch the sneaky character before it takes control.
Primary: Museum Makers (for teams K-2 Only)
Kids can see the extraordinary in the ordinary. Now they will use that ability to create their own museum! The team will create and present an original museum and its exhibits. During the performance, the team will reveal three creative displays that explain the theme of the museum and show off team-made items. A tour guide will take audiences on a journey through the museum to mee
Mar 5, 2025, 5 to 6:30 PM
Free Community Choir on WednesdaysMar 5, 2025, 7 to 8:45 PM
Tools for Peace of Mind in the Chaos WorkshopMar 8, 2025, 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM