On Thursday, October 25 at 7 PM eight candidates for the Vermont Senate and House will meet in a Candidates' Forum in the Heald Auditorium at Ludlow Town Hall.
The event, sponsored by FOLA, will concentrate on issues facing the state and local region.
Participating in the panel are six candidates for the Windsor County seats in the Vermont Senate and the two candidates vying for the Rutland-Windsor-2 (RW2) House seat that represents Ludlow, Mount Holly, and Screwsbury.
The participating Windsor County Senate Candidates will include: Alison Clarkson, Dem; Randy Gray, Rep; Dick McCormack, Dem; Alice Nitka, Dem; Mason Wade, Ind; and Jack Williams, Rep. Invited, but not responding, was Wayne Townsend, Rep.
The RW2 candidates are Peter Berger, Ind; and Logan Nicoll, Dem.
The forum will be moderated by Ralph Pace. Brigid Sullivan will participate as time-keeper.
The forum will follow procedures limiting candidate response time and offering candidates an opportunity to express reasons for voting for them following the completion of questions from the moderator and audience members. The event will be video recorded by Okemo Valley TV.
For additional information, call (802)228-7239.