Werewolves, Vampires & Zombies

Past event
Oct 25, 2018, 1:30 to 3 PM

The St. Johnsbury Osher Lifelong Learning Institute of UVM (OLLI of UVM) presents: WEREWOLVES, VAMPIRES & ZOMBIES, OR THE BIOMEDICAL ORIGINS OF OUR MOST FRIGHTFUL MONSTERS by Bobby Farlice-Rubio, Science Educator, Fairbanks Museum & WCAX to be held at CATAMOUNT ARTS on Eastern Ave. St. Johnsbury.

Although there are no supernatural monsters in this lecture, we will explore the ways in which real parasites have taken over their hosts, and how they may have inspired monster myths! Have you ever wondered what happens to a person who contracts rabies? Could parasites be responsible for some people's reckless and dangerous behavior? Could toxins and poisons in nature cause people to behave like monsters themselves? Come find out, if you dare!

Join OLLI if you like to learn for the joy of learning and are interested in exploring a variety of topics and issues.

Membership is $30. This entitles subscribers to save $18, attend all Fall 2018 sessions, bring a guest to one session, and free attendance at 7 other OLLIs throughout VT. Go to www.learn.UVM.edu/olli for offerings. Non-members may attend any single session for $6. HOME SCHOOLERS ARE WELCOME TO JOIN.

For more information contact: Sue Montague, 802-748-4262.

November 1, 2018 Snakes of Vermont-Kiley Briggs
November 8, 2018 Accessible Trails in Vermont-Maggie Burke

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