Halloween Spaghetti Dinner for Kingdom Animal Shelter

Past event
Oct 20, 2018, 5 to 7 PM

Come and enjoy a fabulous, locally famous spaghetti dinner to benefit Kingdom Animal Shelter. The sauce is homemade, the meatballs are homemade, there will be freshly made salad with a variety of dressings, the garlic bread will make you un-kissable for a week. And the homemade pies will knock your socks off. Only $10 for this scrumptious feast; kids under 8 eat free. And there will be a raffle of Halloween delights. Come to the United Community Church, formerly the North Congregational Church...beginning at 5 p.m. Enjoy good food and good conversation, meet new friends...and help the Shelter animals. (gluten free options available).

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