In case you are new to front porch forum or you missed it over the last two weeks.
Videos and More at 310 North Main St, is going out of Business not like the sales, my dad Charlie, used to do which were going out FOR business sales. After 22 years, we are stopping the fight of technology and streaming and closing the doors. We will be open Thursday to Sunday from 11am to 6pm, until November 4th.
Third weekend means pricing has gone down again because the store needs to be empty when we close for good.
For this weekend pricing is as follows:
New Releases $5
Catalog (non new movies)$2
Blue Ray's $2
VHS $0.50
CDs $0.50
Games $3
Series $4
Adult (only for those over 18) $4
Disney $4
Even have some brand new, never opened Disney movies, that have been going in and out of the vault. Collectors should look.
Thrift store items cheap, cheap, willing to accept offers even!
Clothes $1.00
Showcases still for sale and racks, plus other random items from being here 22 years. Come look, get a super deal and help us clear out.