International Observe the Moon Night (VTC)

Past event
Oct 19, 2018, 6 to 8 PM

Hi everyone,

My name is John Holleran, and I'm a student at Vermont Technical College. I run the Space and Astronomy Club here, and I wanted to let everyone know about our event this Friday.

October 20th of this year is International Observe the Moon Night, but because it's likely going to be cloudy, we are moving our event to this Friday.

This will be held in the soccer field at the north end of campus. The club will have multiple telescopes set up to observe the finer detail of the lunar surface, and this will be an opportunity to learn about the moon and lunar exploration. It's open to everyone, especially children! If you're free for the evening, please feel free to come up and join us.

Again, this is Friday the 19th, from 6 pm to 8 pm, in the VTC soccer field.


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