CVU Varsity Athletes Helping to Raise Money for Kids with Cancer

Past event
Mar 2, 2014, 1 to 3 PM

On March 2nd, CVU Athletes with be joining me to host a fundraising event to raise money for the organization Lucy's Love Bus. Lucy's Love Bus is a nonprofit that provides children with cancer the opportunity to do therapeutic treatments of their choice, such as movement, art, swimming, horseback riding, or massage therapy.

Sports Day, the event, will be at the Shelburne Field House from 1-3:00 for children from grades second through sixth. The cost per child is $20 and all of the money is going directly towards Lucy's Love Bus. Sports and games include soccer and Capture the Flag with several CVU Varsity athletes from various teams.

If you do not have a child but wish to sponsor one who cannot afford to go to Sports Day, please e-mail me! I have been contacted by an individual who is interested in helping the organization but does not have a child to send to Sports Day. If there are other individuals interested, this is a wonderful opportunity.

To sponsor a child at Sports Day or to send your own child to Sports Day, please e-mail me at Pre-registration is requested.

For more information, please visit, read about it in the Shelburne News, Burlington Free Press, or e-mail me.
Thank you!
-Emma Davitt

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