Home Movie Day is a celebration of amateur film held worldwide every October. Community members gather to see their own home movies projected on the big screen and to see their neighbors' movies, too. Information about how to preserve your films, how to get them restored if they are in poor condition, and how to reformat films and videos to digital formats is also made available.
Look for those old family film cans and video tapes hanging out in the attic, the eaves, the basement, the closets, and the garage and bring them to the Media Factory on October 20th for inspection and a screening! We will have projectors for 8 mm, Super 8, and 16 mm films and for VHS tapes. We will show digital movies, too, if you have already reformatted your home movies or if they are born digital.
If you don't have any home movies, you can still come and participate as an audience member and learn more about the importance of preserving movies that document the lives of regular folk. More details and registration here: bit.ly/VTHMD18