WIC Gleaning Cafes: This Week and Next Month

Past event
Oct 11, 2018, 2 to 3 PM

WIC families are invited to attend the next two WIC Gleaning Cafes! Pick up free stellar fresh produce, taste amazing recipes and relax with other families. Each visit also qualifies as 2nd nutrition education credit for participants. WIC has partnered with Lamoille Valley Gleaning to offer extra crops from the fields after the harvest. Gleaning helps keep fresh, wholesome food in our community and supports a healthy food system. This week's theme is Soups and Baby Foods. November 8th, theme is Holiday Inspiration's (2:00-3:00).

Where: 63 Professional Drive, Suite 1, under our tent in the WIC office parking lot (inside if raining).
When: October 11, November 8, 2:00-3:00 pm

Families with Medicaid or Dr. Dynasaur insurance are income eligible for WIC (pregnant women and children under age five). Know a family who might qualify for WIC?. Visit the Health Department website at http://www.healthvermont.gov/local-health-offices/morrisville/wic-services. WIC is an equal opportunity provider.
Call (802) 888-7447 for more information about the Gleaning Café or to enroll in WIC.

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