On Thursday, October 18th at 1:30 at Catamount Arts, OLLI St. Johnsbury will welcome Hank Kaestner, retired Director of Spice Procurement for McCormick & Co From the dawn of history, the spice trade has driven man's sense of exploration. Columbus, da Gama, Magellan were all looking for spice origins as they "discovered" the world. The history of spices is the history of the world. After all, Columbus was looking for spice origins when he discovered the Americas! Pepper, cinnamon and other spices were traded into western civilization 6,000 years ago! Mr. Kaestner will talk about THE HISTORY OF SPICES and share what he has learned following in the footsteps of those famous explorers.
Osher lectures are free to members and $6.00 for non-members.
For further information, call 748-4262.
This week, Oct 11, well known local musician, Phil Brown, will tell us about the History of Swing through the life of Count Basie. Same time and same place.