Friends of Coburn Pond Meeting Oct. 14

Past event
Oct 14, 2018, 5:30 to 7:30 PM

Greetings Neighbors, "Friends of Coburn Pond," and friends of "Friends":

As many of you know, Friends of Coburn Pond received a $1600 GROW grant from the New England Grassroots Environment Fund (NEGEF) to help us with outreach and organizing as we expand into a new phase: To protect public access "in perpetuity" by encouraging the Town of East Montpelier to hold the title to the land.

For this to be successful, we require more participation from people who use the pond and live in the neighborhood. Whether you come out for swimming, fishing, dog walking, meeting with friends, horseback riding, winter recreation or anything else, we want to know what you think about the future development of the property and work with us to develop a management strategy that assures the town that we'll look out for our mutual best interest.

We can discuss the details of the process and the needs of the group at our next large group meeting. It won't take a lot of time, and we're hoping that a dozen or more people will make a commitment to help us assure that Coburn Pond remains permanently accessible for public use.

Our next meeting will be held on:

Sunday October 14th

5:30 PM - Potluck & Introductions
6:00 PM - Meeting Begins
7:30 PM - Adjourn Meeting

Place TBA - within a few miles of Coburn Pond

Please RSVP so we know how many will be attending

And, if you know of people who use the pond—including their teens and/or adult children (if they're around)—please forward our message and encourage them to come out as well.

Since so many Goddard students also use the pond, I wonder if you know any Goddard staff people who may want to participate on their behalf.

Coburn Pond is an amazing resource for the community. Now's the time to make certain we will have it for future generations.

Hope to see you there!


Renée Carpenter
Friends of Coburn Pond


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