Join the City of Winooski and the Winooski Housing Commission for a special Policy Panel:
Tuesday, October 9, 2018, / 6 PM – 8 PM
Click here to join the event on Facebook:
This event will provide education and outreach about housing policies under consideration, what they do, what they don't do, how they work in tandem, and how they may affect property owners and development in Winooski. This event is free and open to all - community members are encouraged to join!
- Michael Monte, CFOO, Champlain Housing Trust
- Erhard Mahnke, Coordinator, Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition
- Brian Pine, former Housing Director, Community and Economic Development Office (CEDO), current City Councilor
- Erik Hoekstra, Managing Partner, Redstone Properties
Key questions to be asked at this meeting include:
• How would inclusionary zoning work in tandem with a replacement ordinance?
• How do variations in inclusionary zoning requirements produce different outcomes across communities?
• What is entailed in compliance monitoring?
• How is compliance enforced?
• What time commitment and funding resources are necessary for monitoring and enforcement?
• How have other communities established effective compliance monitoring programs?
Questions about this event can be sent to Heather Carrington, Community & Economic Development Officer: / 802 655 6410
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