The Trustee's will hold their regular meeting, postponed from 26 September, at the Village Office at the Old Schoolhouse Common on Wed., 3 October 2018 7:00 PM
1. Minutes of the Village Meeting of 29 August 2018
2. Minutes of the Trustee's Meeting of 5 September 2018
3. Results of radon and lead testing
4. Search for new Clerk and Treasurer (hired position)
5. Financial Report (a. Bills paid; b. Final payments to prior Clerk & Treasurer; c. Receipts)
6. Insurance, additional
7. Post office box
8. Emails
9. Physical move, and set up of new office
10. VOSHA inspection of sewer plant
11. Vegetation removal, sewer plant
12. VOSHA inspection of water plant
13. Folsom Road user, verbal threat to Water Operator
14. Request of the prior Clerk and Treasurer
15. Request of Trustee Bruce Hayden
16. Possible new trustee(s)
17. Other business