Learn how to play Bocce at the new court in Donaldson Park
Come and try your hand at playing bocce on Saturday, October 6th at 10 a.m. at the newly constructed court at Donaldson Park in Grand Isle. Bocce players will be on hand to provide information about how the game is played. All the necessary equipment will be on site.
Considered to be the oldest known sport in world history, bocce can be played by teens and adults of all ages. During the game a ball is either rolled or tossed underhanded down the court with the aim of coming to rest near a smaller target ball called a pallino. Bocce matches provide an opportunity to enhance one's skills in a setting that promotes camaraderie among team mates.
The Grand Isle Recreation Committee plans to establish one or more bocce leagues beginning in the summer of 2019. To do so, we will need interested folks to come on board. Games typically last between 45 minutes to an hour. Bocce is a fabulous way to meet other island residents, challenge yourself and have some good belly laughs (something we all need more of).
For more information, please contact Shevonne Travers at shevonne73@gmail.com. We will be there unless there is a significant downpour that morning.
Mar 6, 2025, 11:30 AM to 1 PM
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