Last Chance - Tomorrow Night – Have a Voice...
The Selectboard is holding two warned public meetings, Thursday February 20 and Tuesday February 25, which are required by statute before it can vote to approve its recent amendments to the current Town Plan. The amendments are “substantive” in nature and are focused upon creating expanding access for development interests. One could say that the character of the Town Plan is being changed from a “Growth Management” tool to a “Development Promotion” tool.
It is my hope that Shelburne citizens will show up tomorrow night and find out why the Selectboard is rushing these changes through the process prior to the March 4th Town Meeting Day Ballot when there are almost FOUR more years remaining to the life of the current Town Plan. What’s the rush? Table these amendment changes until after the election and be more transparent in this highly controversial process.
Here are some questions that I hope people will ask tomorrow night if they in fact do not already know the answers:
1) Why the sudden need for change if the Town Plan was only recently re-adopted?
2) Why is the Selectboard enacting its new Town Plan without following standard procedure of getting the Planning Commission’s imput on all changes.
3) Why the rush to enact the Selectboard’s new Town Plan before the March election?
4) Why hasn’t the Selectboard made more of an effort to explain the changes so that residents have a clear understanding of the goals and possible outcomes?
PLEASE consider attending a key selectboard meeting tomorrow night to voice your concerns before enactment of a new Town Plan that will give developers the freedom to change the face of our town.
Mar 8, 2025, 9 AM to 2 PM
Tools for Peace of Mind in the Chaos WorkshopMar 8, 2025, 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Dragon Boat Info Session: Active Adults Wanted!Mar 13, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM