Meditation Sessions

Past event
Sep 29, 2018, 10 to 11:15 AM

Beginning Saturday, September 29th, the Yoga Place will offer a meditation session, facilitated by Danielle Fogarty, one Saturday a month from 10:00-11:15 a.m. Dates are: September 29, October 13, November 24 and December 8.

This will be an opportunity to explore sitting quietly and perhaps finding the clear
space inside. Meditation is not random, it will not suddenly descend upon takes a little introduction and then some practice.

Danielle says, "Since loving nap-time in pre-K, I've longed for stillness, for quiet,
for calm, for peace. When I read that 'I am not my thoughts'--noticeable relief
settled in. Practicing slowing down thought and expanding space between and around thought is a return to stillness, quiet, calm, peace. Using Eckhart Tolle as a
guide is a gentle path toward stillness."

These sessions are offered FREE, donations to support the studio are gratefully accepted, but not required. For more information, 802-447-0393 or

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