(If you want to car pool, I am going. I live in Bristol. Patty Heather-Lea, pattyheatherlea@gmail.com)
Middlebury Shape-Note Singing resumes on Sunday, October 7, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM in the Mitchell Green Lounge, on the top floor of the tower of McCullough Student Center, Old Chapel Road at Middlebury College.
Shape-Note or Sacred Harp singing is an American traditional style of a cappella, four-part, social and spiritual, community-based, shape-note singing. The music is powerful, moving, sublime and raucous, ancient and haunting. It has been called "18th century a cappella heavy metal" and "bluegrass Gregorian chanting."
Mitchell Green Lounge is accessible by stairs and elevator. Loaner books are available. For more information, see FaceBook/Middlebury Shape Note Singers, Www.fasola.org, or contact David Rosenberg, rosenber@middlebury.edu. The singings are sponsored by the Scott Center for Religious and Spiritual Life and the Music Department. Free and open to all.
Mar 7 to 9, 2025
Spring Art Play for Adults at LML!Mar 7, 2025, 10 to 11:30 AM
Future Grooves: A Dance Multimedia ExperienceMar 7, 8 PM to 12 AM, Mar 8, 2025