The Basement Teen Center's Amazing Race is Coming!

Past event
Oct 6, 2018, 9:30 AM to 2 PM

The Basement Teen Center's Amazing Race is just around the corner and it's not too late to sign up your team to race, or to volunteer!

This annual fundraiser for the Basement Teen Center brings together teens and community members in a family-friendly race around downtown Montpelier in teams of four. Following cryptic clues from station to station, participants must complete challenges that test them mentally and physically in order to win! Not only is the race FUN, but it also helps to raise money for the Basement Teen Center to continue to offer a safe, free space for teens in Washington County to come together and participate in activities that encourage positive growth. Teams of all types are welcome – families, youth teams, adult teams, complete stranger teams would work too, I guess, and any other combination you can think of!


The team that raises the most money for the BTC gets first choice of the prize pool, teams that have the best costume get 2nd choice, and teams that display the best superhero attitudes get third pick. The prizes are –

$150 gift card to Sarducci's – Take the team out to dinner!
Four Amazon Kindle 7's – One for each team member!
A trip for your team to Get Air plus Pizza Party!
Four $40 gift cards to Buddy's Famous Burgers
A chocolate fountain with 4 pounds of dark chocolate, white chocolate, bananas, strawberries, and marshmallows!

To learn more, please visit or email!

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