For those of you who missed the excellent program at CVH on August 15, here is another opportunity.
Vermonters with cancer and other debilitating conditions are eligible to use medical marijuana. Ada Puches, community outreach coordinator for Champlain Valley Dispensary, will discuss the potential benefits of medical marijuana, how the application process works, and what requirements need to be satisfied to obtain medical marijuana. She will also provide information on non-intoxicating over-the-counter Cannabidiol (CBD).
Green Mountain Room, Northwestern Medical Center, St. Albans Contact Kristen Tuttle, RN Care Manger-Oncology at 802-524-8479,
Mar 3, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
Town Meeting! March 4Mar 4, 2025, 4 to 7:30 PM
Interesting Talk This WeekMar 5, 2025, 1 to 2 PM