Yup, skiing is coming back to Dutch Hill in Heartwellville, Readsboro, VT.Nope, not the lift-served kind.To ski Dutch Hill these days, you need to be able to climb the mountain under your own power. Help us make it happen.DHASH* has been deputized by the Forest Service to reopen some of the overgrown slopes and to open up some glades for backcountry skiing.We're now in the second year of this project.We need volunteers with loppers, hand saws, and strong backs to cut and clear saplings and brush.Chain sawyers must have a Forest Service certification to work on this project.If you have an FS chain saw cert, we need you!
Meet in the parking lot on Route 100/8 in Heartwellville, across from Mattenberg Ave, at 9:00 for the mandatory Forest Service safety briefing and review of the day's work plan.Volunteers must wear long sleeves, long pants, shoes or boots, work gloves and a hard hat (we have a stash if you need to borrow one).Bring your favorite tool for working in the woods, water, and lunch.We'll call it a day at about 3:00.Questions? Contact info@dhash4vt.org. Or check out our web site at dhash4vt.org.
*DHASH is an all-volunteer group, a chapter of the Catamount Trail Association.