High School Students and Parents

Past event
Feb 15, 2014, 9 AM to 2:30 PM

VSAC is hosting a day of free college planning workshops at Saint Michael’s College on Saturday, March 15, from 9:00am – 2:30pm. Includes free lunch. Come learn about finding colleges that fit, getting organized, SAT/ACT strategies, writing admissions essays, college costs & financial aid, and more. Register now for workshops at www.vsac.org/CollegePathways . Walk-ins also welcome!

Facebook: Tell your friends with high school students to come to College Pathways! Use the link www.vsac.org/CollegePathways . As we get closer, share College Pathways posts from VSAC’s FB. Have you “liked” VSAC (all sorts of updates) and StartWhereYouAreVT (college planning updates for high school students) on Facebook?

Thank you for your help!

More information about College Pathways:

VSAC’s College Pathways is a free event on a college campus (and over VIT) to help students and parents plan for college. The event is targeted to juniors and sophomores and their parents, but all are welcome. This year, College Pathways will be held on:

Saturday, March 15 at Saint Michael’s College, and over Vermont Interactive Technologies in Bennington, Brattleboro, and Newport
Saturday, March 29 at Castleton State College
Monday evening, April 7 at Lyndon State College, in conjunction with the Northeast Kingdom College Fair

Workshops include:
Finding Colleges That Fit
Getting Organized
The Admissions Essay
Strategies for the SAT and ACT
Campus Support for Students with Learning Disabilities
Service Academies and ROTC
Intercollegiate Sports
College Costs and Financial Aid

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