You're invited to join us in celebrating the 50th birthday of All Saint's Church on Sunday, March 2nd, at 10am at 1250 Spear Street, South Burlington. Brunch fare and cake following this service.
Consider joining our caring family of community minded worshipers. Come visit our congregation and learn how Church today is important and supports your busy lives. If you're looking to have life slow down just a little so you can take time to focus on what's important to you, your family, our community and the world, come join us. Each Sunday we end with a prayer that in part says: "Send us now into the world in peace, and grant us strength and courage to love and serve you with gladness and singleness of heart." As a parent and Williston community member for over 17 years, I can say these words are wonderful to have at hand as I've maneuvered through all that life dishes out.
In addition to numerous outreach opportunities throughout the year, All Saint's Church offers childcare, youth and teen education, adult forum, book club, prayer group, a labyrinth and coming soon, a community garden!
There are two services each Sunday at 8 and 10. The 8 AM service is a more formal and traditional service that does not include music. The 10 AM service is a more contemporary service which offers childcare and youth education. Music is an important part of this later service. The first Sunday of each month offers folk music and the other Sunday's have a wonderful mix of carefully selected hymns. We also have a chorus which is always looking for new singers. There is truly something for everyone in this caring and dedicated congregation. All are welcome to our table. Hope to see you there!
Feb 9, 2025, 2 to 5 PM
City Council Meeting Feb. 12Feb 12, 2025, 6:30 to 8:30 PM
You're Invited to "Poetry at the Grange" in CharlotteFeb 13, 2025, 1 to 2:30 PM