Town of Wallingford
Selectboard Meeting
Monday, September 17, 2018
Wallingford Town Hall ~ 6: 30 p. m.
1. Call Regular Meeting to Order 6: 30
2. Agenda Amendments 6: 35
3. Approval: 6: 35
• Selectboard Minutes - 09/04/18 and 08/06/18
• Pay Orders 09/05/18
4. Road Commissioner's Report. 6: 40
5. Wallingford Solar, LLC – Creek Road 6: 50
6. Planning Grant Resolution – Michelle Kenny 7: 05
7. Dog Park 7: 15
8. Public Comments 7: 25
9. North End Drive Rail Maintenance Agreement 7: 30
10. Tractor and Rake Bids 7: 35
11. Catering Permit Request 7: 40
12. Selectboard Comments/Concerns 7: 45
13. Other Business7: 50
14. Adjourn
Next meeting: October, 1st 2018 at Wallingford Town Hall. For more municipal information, visit www. wallingfordvt. com
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