Town Hall Movie Night - Double Feature! Sat. Mar. 1, 5:45pm & 7:30pm

Past event
Mar 1, 2014, 5:45 to 9:45 PM

School vacation week will be coming to an end, and so perhaps you'll be looking for an inexpensive activity to get the whole family out of the house. So come to Hinesburg Town Hall on Saturday, March 1st, for movie night! Thanks to a lot of feedback requesting an earlier movie for little kids, we'll be doing a double feature (we can't go any earlier than 5:45 due to sunset):

5:45pm: Pixar's Monster's Inc., featuring the voices of John Goodman, Billy Crystal, Steve Buscemi, and Frank Oz (which I believe makes this a fun movie for adults as well as kids). Rated G. 92 min. Trailer:
7:30pm: Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Rated PG. 134 min. Trailer:
Movies will START at those times, so arrive early enough to get situated.

Tickets: $3 for adults, $2 for 12 and under. No extra charge to stay for both movies. Ticket and snack sales all go towards the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Thank you to Yolo Snacks, Distler's Pretzels, and VT Smoke & Cure for snack donations. We will have the following for sale: soda, juice, seltzer, packaged Yolo popcorn and Distler's pretzels, VT Smoke & Cure snack sticks, and homemade oatmeal raisin cookies.

Feel free to bring your own folding chairs if you feel they will be more comfortable than standard town hall chairs (or to have smaller chairs for kids - we'll help set them up in the front). Contact me with any questions:

For those of you who voted for The Wizard of Oz in the poll, I do hope to show this at a later movie night, if we have enough turnout on March 1st to justify continuing doing them.

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