Immerse yourself in a full weekend of yoga, pranayama, mudras, chanting, mantra, and meditation on the five elements with this incredible teacher from India, Swami Gurusharanananda. Our beautiful studio is located in a rural setting amidst the mountains. We will learn how to deepen our practices and connect to the natural world around us.
September 27 – September 30
Two Kirtan Events:
*Thursday, September 27, 7:30-9 at Upper Valley Yoga, White River Jct
*Friday, September 28, 7:30-9 at Jai Studios, Brownsville, VT
Suggested Kirtan donation $20
The Weekend Retreat:
Swakriya Yoga, Kirtan, Meditation, and Fire Ceremony: An exploration and in depth practice on the 5 elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether.
Come for the entire weekend or for one day!
Friday September, 28 – Sunday, September 30
located at Jai Studios, 1383 Route 44, Brownsville, VT
To register for this event, please visit:
For more information, visit:
or contact Angie at
* All proceeds benefit The Children of Ma Anandamayi Foundation is a non-profit organization based in the US dedicated to providing an academic and spiritual education for disadvantaged children in India.
~Angie Follensbee-Hall