Hello, all — The Wards 2&3 NPA meeting agenda for this Thursday, 9/13 is below. We hope you'll be able to make it out to enjoy the community dinner and the company of your neighbors! The Wards 2/3 NPA steering committee is giving ever-deeper thought to the work of engaging our community in decision-making that affects us all, and exploring strategies that make this even more possible through our NPA. You'll find some of this work evident in our report-out from our June meeting, which identified many issues and needs that attendees felt were critical to our Wards. Please, always feel welcome to reach out to the steering committee with your thoughts about this objective and how we might best help the NPA achieve it. Thank you for being a part of your Neighborhood Planning Assembly and for spreading the word!
Wards 2 and 3 Neighborhood Planning Assembly, Thursday September 13, 2018, 6:45pm-8:45pm at the Old North End Community Center, 20 Allen Street: wards2and3npa.weebly.com FREE Community Dinner at 5:30pm: http://onecommunitydinner.weebly.com
At the June 14, 2018 Wards 2 & 3 NPA meeting, it was resolved that the City should consider a Ward to be a stakeholder in any multi-stakeholder City-created group that is intended to provide advice that would affect that Ward. Each Ward should appoint its own delegate and alternate delegate and each Ward via its delegate should have equal status to the other stakeholders. Each Ward would determine the duration of participation of its delegate(s).
NPA Announcements:
Invitation to participate on bylaws development committee (Infinite Culcleasure)
Financial Report (James Lockridge)
Winooski Corridor Ward representation update (Tony Redington)
Public Forum Announcements / Comments / Issues / Suggestions (One minute per speaker)
City Councilors' Report: Jane Knodell, Central District (Wards 2 and 3); Brian Pine, Ward 3; Max Tracy, Ward 2
State Representatives' Report: Jill Krowinski and Curt McCormack (Chittenden 6-3); Selene Colburn and Brian Cina (Chittenden 6-4)
Recap of June Meeting (Emma Schoenberg): What did we learn from the visioning exercise, and how does this help us plan for the NPA's future?
CEDO Update re: Memorial Auditorium Survey; Civic Engagement Best Practices
Neale Lunderville, Interim Director, CEDO (nlunderville@burlingtonvt.gov, www.burlingtonvt.gov/CEDO)
Proposed NPA Endorsement: Ballot Item, City Hall Park Redevelopment
Donna Walters, Keep the Park Green (dwalters2800@gmail.com, KeepTheParkGreen.com)
Keep the Park Green describes a ballot item to cancel the approved plan for City Hall Park redevelopment and seeks an NPA resolution of endorsement: "We, the undersigned voters of the City of Burlington hereby petition our City Council to warn the advisory resolution below for a Town Meeting vote: Whereas, City Hall Park needs work, but the city's current redevelopment plan removes approximately 40% of the trees and increases paved area to cover about 1/3 of the park, at an estimated cost of $4 million; Shall we, the citizens of Burlington, advise the Mayor and City Council to: A) cancel the current plan for City Hall Park that was approved by the City Council on 6-25-18; and B) instead, repair, maintain, and improve the Park by preserving more existing trees and shaded areas, repairing grass and existing walkways, increasing lighting and benches, and retaining the historic character of the Park?""
Pathways Vermont: Abby Levinsohn, Employment Team Leader/Outreach Coordinator (abby@pathwaysvermont.org)
Feb 2, 2025, 5:30 to 7:30 PM
Invitation to Meet Kathy Olwell at Burlington CohousingFeb 4, 2025, 7 PM
"Keep It Simple, but Pack a Punch" Zoom Quilt LectureFeb 4, 2025, 7 to 8 PM