Savoy Theater presents The Great Turning film screening and guest speaker on "The Work that Reconnects: The Great Turning, a Joanna Macy film on the pivotal changing times we are in as regards to the planet, to society & to ourselves. As a cinematic experience of "The Work that Reconnects" this film is a spiritual, ecological and political journey calling on our deepest common humanity.
Abigail Singer, one of the co-founders of Rising Tide North America, will be there from Portland, Oregon as a guest speaker. Singer is a long time climate change activist, political organizer, meditator, witch, herbalist & grief work facilitator. She will be offering a follow up "Work that Reconnects" workshop on September 16th at VCIH 11-5, allowing participants to go deeper into their emotional experience of the times we live in. This workshop will be an embodied experience of the film on Thursday. You can find it on your FPF calendar as "Tending the Web: a retreat in grief and gratitude"
Seating is limited, so click here for your ticket to the film screening:
Tickets are limited for the Sunday workshop as well, so click here for tickets to that:
Thanks so much & see you Thursday the 13th, 6:00 pm at the Savoy theater!
Mar 10, 2025, 6 to 8:15 PM
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