Town of Fair Haven
Selectboard, Water & Sewer Commissioners, Liquor Commissioners, Cemetery Commissioners
Tuesday, September 11th, 2018 - 7:00 PM
1. Call to Order - 7:00 pm
2. Pledge of Allegiance - 7:01 pm
3. Amendments to the Agenda - 7:02 pm
4. Approval of Minutes of August 28th, 2018 - 7:03 pm
5. Five Minutes for Public Comment - 7:05 pm
6. Department Head Reports - 7:15 pm
7. Town Manager Report & Communication - 7:35 pm
8. Old Business - 7:45 pm
a. Appoint to the planning commission
b. Motion to expend from the grant match reserve fund for planning grant
c. Purchase of telemetry equipment
9. New Business - 8:00 pm
a. Appoint economic development committee
b. Acceptance of pedestrian grant
c. Acceptance of Playground restroom grant
d. Request ordinance change for first floor apartments downtown Fair Haven- discussion
e. Budget:
1. Board of Selectmen
2. Forest Fire Warden
3. Judgments & Damages
4. Street lights
5. ZBA
10. Parking Lot – 9:00pm
Police car decals BOS meeting questions
Ped grant rfp and contract
Restroom rfp and purchase
11. Board Roundtable - 9:05 pm
12. Review of Financial Reports - 9:15 pm
a. Expenditure / Revenue Reports
b. Checkbook Status
13. Executive Session - 9:20 pm – Town Manager performance review: 1 V.S.A. §313(a)(3)
Sale of Colvin Dr.: 1 V.S.A. §313(a)(2)
14. Adjourn - 9:40 pm
Upcoming Meeting Schedule: September 25, October 9
Auxiliary aids and reasonable accommodation shall be made upon request. A two week notice may be required for some requests.